Tuesday, June 22, 2010

In The Beginning

It is a minor miracle that I've managed to get logged into my blog...I'm not sure if this will last, but I wanted to post this post that I wrote in the airport on Saturday:

I’ve been dying to get to a place where I could get online long enough to be able to share with you all the way that my trip began…

My dear and loyal friends Caitlin, Brian, and Jaynie were kind enough to take me to the train station yesterday afternoon to catch the 2:36 Amtrak to Chicago. Upon arriving at the station, I took note of the luggage limits posted around the station – carry-ons only, limit of 2 w/ one personal item. I had two suitcases (the 2 pieces of luggage I’m allowed to check on the plane), in addition to my backpack and a purse. I’d been a little nervous about the difference in the baggage allowance for Amtrak compared to the airline, but I kind of just figured it would work itself out. If they gave me any trouble, I’d make my best attempt to stuff my purse into my backpack.

We were sitting chatting and waiting for my train when, to my great surprise, my good friend Nate Danis walked in. Nate’s wife had previously told me that she was going to be in Chicago this weekend, but had mentioned that Nate would be in Kalamazoo on Friday. It didn’t occur to me that Nate might be joining her later in the weekend. As it would turn out, that’s exactly what he was doing – taking the 2:36 Amtrak to Chicago to meet the rest of his family who had driven in the day before. Nate was carrying only a backpack. After the initial surprise/shock/delight of realizing that we were going to be on the train together, the subject of my extra luggage came up. Nate simply said, “Well, one of those is mine. Totally.” He later added, “I get the big one.” Not only did I have someone to help me get around the luggage limit technicality (and carry the larger of my two suitcases), but I had a dear friend to come along as I began my journey. What a huge blessing!! Nate and I had a chance to catch up and to marvel at the way that God brought him to that train and how clear it was that He’d orchestrated the whole thing.

As we approached Chicago, Nate pulled out his phone to call Cara, his wife, so that she would know when/where to pick him up at the train station. His phone wouldn’t work. He’d thought the battery was all charged up, but for some reason, it just wouldn’t power on. We could have called Cara from my phone, except for the fact that her phone is currently out of order; he was going to need to call his in-laws’ phone and he didn’t know the number (and, unlike Cara’s number, I didn’t have her parents’ in my phone :)). “Do you have your charger?” “Nope. I thought it was charged.” “Wait…what kind of charger does it take?” Yes, of course you’re already guessing what happened next…my phone charger fit Nate’s phone. We plugged it in, he called his wife and as a result, didn’t end up getting stranded at Union Station with no way to let his family know he’d arrived. God, you are soooooooo smart!

God blessed the hearts of two of his kids through this more-than-coincidence scenario. It was just so obvious that God had put this whole thing together to say to both me and Nate, “Hi, it’s Me. I love you. I’m right here. I want you to be blessed.” What a sweet message from the Father. What a sweet way to start this trip.

I had a nice time with my good friend Lucretia who was gracious enough to put me up in her Lincoln Park apartment, paint my toenails at midnight, and drive me to the airport at the crack of dawn. (Sidebar: I’m not a morning person…but I do love to see the sun rise. There’s just something sweet about seeing the day begin.)

I’m writing now sitting in the Newark airport, having not yet made a dent in my nine hour layover. Other members of the team will start arriving within an hour or so, scattered throughout the afternoon. I’m hoping that I’ll be able to get online sometime before our flight takes off. If I can’t…well, I guess I’ll be posting this once I’ve arrived in India…most certainly with more stories about God’s faithfulness and hand over this trip to share. :) (and of course, that's exactly what happend. :)

Take a look at the group blog (hopechestindia.blogspot.com) for more from the team, and hopefully me (if I can get my connection to stay stable :)

Blessings from India!

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